Mr. Huen Wong, BBS, JP Mr. Huen Wong, BBS, JP


Director since 23 November 2021, and was elected as Chairperson on 29 December 2021.

Mr Wong was admitted to practise as a solicitor in Hong Kong, Singapore and England & Wales.  He is currently serving on a number of professional and public bodies including:

  • Chairman of Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance)
  • Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Prince Philip Dental Hospital
  • Executive Chairman of South China International Arbitration Center (HK)
Mr Thomas CHAN, JP Mr Thomas CHAN, JP
Mr Thomas CHAN, JP 

Permanent Secretary for Health, Health Bureau, HKSAR Government

Director since 23 November 2021.

Thomas Chan is the Permanent Secretary for Health in the Health Bureau of the HKSAR Government overseeing policies for the overall health system and healthcare services, including public healthcare, primary healthcare, Chinese medicine, disease prevention, health regulation, healthcare manpower, health infrastructure, health research, statistics and data analytics.

Prof CHAN Wing-kwong Prof CHAN Wing-kwong
Professor Hon CHAN Wing-kwong

Director since 23 November 2021.

Professor Hon Chan is also serving on other boards and public bodies, including:

  • Member, Legislative Council, HKSAR
  • Chairman, Chinese Medicine Practice Subcommittee, Chinese Medicine Development Committee, Health Bureau, HKSAR Government
  • Member, Steering Committee on Primary Healthcare Development, Health Bureau, HKSAR Government
  • Chairman, Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association
  • Chairman, Hong Kong Federation of the Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Chinese Medicines Traders Association
  • Chairman, WFCMS (Hong Kong) Council Members Association
Dr Ching Dr Ching
Dr CHING Wai Kuen

Director since 1 June 2024.

Dr Ching is currently Director (Strategy & Planning) of Hospital Authority.

Christine Chow Christine Chow
Ms Christine OW CHOW

Director since 24 January 2024.

Ms Christine OW Chow is the Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary of Hong Kong Baptist University, where she is responsible for the professional administrative services and leads various offices including the Planning Office for the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Ms Chow is a Certified Internal Auditor and a Certified Management Accountant, USA.

Dr Vincent Chung Dr Vincent Chung
Dr Vincent CHUNG

Commissioner for Chinese Medicine Development, Health Bureau, HKSAR Government

Director since 20 May 2024.

Dr Chung is the Commissioner for Chinese Medicine Development in the Health Bureau of the HKSAR Government overseeing the development and promotion of Chinese medicine in the aspects of service delivery, education, research and industry advancement. 

Prof Xianzhang HUANG Prof Xianzhang HUANG
Professor HUANG Xianzhang

Director since 23 November 2021. 

Professor Huang is a registered Chinese medicine practitioner of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong and Mainland China, the Vice Chairperson of Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association, the Visiting Professor of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine and the Adjunct Associate Professor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also serving on other committees, including:

  • Member, The Chief Executive Election Committee of HKSAR
  • Member, Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board,Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong
  • Member, Chinese Medicines Board,Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong
  • Member, Disciplinary Committee of Chinese Medicine Practitioners
  • Member, Committee on Assessment of Chinese Medicine Degree Courses
Mr Herbert HUI Leung-wah Mr Herbert HUI Leung-wah
Mr Herbert HUI Leung-wah

Director since 23 November 2021.

Mr Hui is a member of the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service of the HKSAR Government.

Mr Esmond LEE Chung-sin, JP Mr Esmond LEE Chung-sin, JP
Mr Esmond LEE Chung-sin, JP

Deputy Secretary for Education (1), Education Bureau, HKSAR Government

Director since 23 November 2021.

Mr Lee is Deputy Secretary for Education (1) in the Education Bureau.

Mr Li Ying Sang Tommy, SBS, BBS, MH, JP Mr Li Ying Sang Tommy, SBS, BBS, MH, JP
Mr LI Ying-sang Tommy, SBS, BBS, MH, JP

Director since 23 November 2021.

Mr Li is the Chairman of Pak Shing Tong Group, and the Deputy of National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China, he is also serving on other boards and committees, including:

  • Chairman of Chinese Medicines Industry Subcommittee, Chinese Medicine Development Committee
  • Task Force Convenor, Advisory Committee of Chinese Medicines Testing Institute Chinese Herbal Medicine of the HKSAR Government
  • Chairman, Federation of the Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Chinese Medicine Traders Association
Prof LIN Zhi-xiu Prof LIN Zhi-xiu
Professor LIN Zhi-xiu

Director since 12 October 2022.

Professor Lin is a Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner (HK). He is also the Director of the School of Chinese Medicine and Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

  • Graduated from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine in 1987 with a BSc in Chinese Medicine. After graduation, worked as a Chinese medicine doctor at the Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Research Institute of Chinese Medicine. 
  • Obtained a PhD degree in Pharmacognosy from King’s College London in 1999. 
  • From 1998 to 2002, employed as a Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader on the Chinese Medicine Programme, Middlesex University in London where he was involved with basic and clinical teachings of Chinese medicine. 
  • Joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2003, and is now Director and Professor of the School of Chinese Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. He is also the Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine, CUHK. 
  • Main research interests include: (1) Pharmacological studies on Chinese medicines for psoriasis, eczema, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and neuroprotection; and (2) Clinical trials on effectiveness and safety of Chinese medicine for some common diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, macular edema, dry eye disease, allergic rhinitis, urticaria and long-COVID. 
  • Has so far published more than 240 research articles on Chinese medicine, among which, about 210 articles are in the SCI journals, with a H-index of 45 (Google scholar; 09/2022).
Ms. Alma Ling Ms. Alma Ling
Ms Alma LING

Director since 23 November 2021.

Ms Ling is a graduate of the inaugural class of the bachelor of Chinese Medicine at Hong Kong Baptist University. She is a registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner and a non-official member of the Chinese Medicine Development Committee on Chinese Medicine Practice.

Dr Susan LOUIE So-sum JP Dr Susan LOUIE So-sum JP
Dr Susan LOUIE So-sum, JP

Director since 23 November 2021. 

Dr Louie is a registered medical practitioner, who has served the local public healthcare sector for a long period.  She is currently serving on a number of community services including:

  • Director, Hong Kong Baptist Hospital 
  • Director, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
  • Director, Project Vision
Prof. Lyu Aiping Prof. Lyu Aiping
Professor LYU Aiping

Director since 23 November 2021.

Professor Lyu is the Vice-President (Research and Development) cum Dean of Graduate School of Hong Kong Baptist University.

Professor Lyu is currently Non-official Members of Chinese Medicine Development Committee, Health Bureau, HKSAR Government. 

Ms Winnie NG, JP Ms Winnie NG, JP
Ms Winnie NG, JP

Director since 23 November 2021.

Ms Ng is a director of a bus company.  She is also serving on other boards and committees, including:

  • Member, Women’s Commission
  • Member, Town Planning Board
  • Court Member, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Douglas So Cheung-tak BBS JP Douglas So Cheung-tak BBS JP
Professor Douglas SO Cheung-tak, BBS, JP

Director since 23 November 2021.

Professor So is a solicitor of Hong Kong. He is the founder and director of F11 Foto Museum and f22 foto space. He is a Professor of Practice at HKU Faculty of Arts. Devoted to serving the community, he also serves on other boards and committees, including:

  • Chairman, Advisory Committee on Chinese Medicine Development Fund
  • Chairman, Antiquities Advisory Board
  • Chairman, Museum Advisory Committee
  • Chairman, M Plus Collections Trust
  • Deputy Chairman, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Prof Alexander WAI Ping-kong Prof Alexander WAI Ping-kong
Professor Alexander WAI Ping-kong, JP

Director since 23 November 2021.

Professor Wai is the President and Vice-Chancellor of Hong Kong Baptist University.

Ms WONG How-wan, Rowena Ms WONG How-wan, Rowena
Ms WONG How-wan, Rowena

Director since 23 November 2021.

Ms Wong is currently the Chief Manager of the Chinese Medicine Department of Hospital Authority.

Dr. Victoria WONG Wing-Yee Dr. Victoria WONG Wing-Yee
Dr Victoria WONG Wing-yee

Director Since 29 December 2021.

Dr Wong is Associate Dean (Clinical Affairs), Director of HKU Health System and Deputy Director (Clinical Affairs), School of Clinical Medicine of the LKS Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong.  She is also serving on other boards and committees, including:

  • Member, Hospital Governing Committee, Queen Mary Hospital and Tsan Yuk Hospital
  • Member, Board of Governors of the Prince Philip Dental Hospital
  • Member, Advisory Committee for Regulatory Standards for Private Healthcare Facilities
Professor Justin WU Che-Yuen Professor Justin WU Che-Yuen
Professor Justin WU Che-yuen

Director since 23 November 2021.

Professor Wu is the Associate Dean (Health Systems) of the Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is serving as the Chairman of CUHK Medical Services, President of Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology, Chairman and Executive Councillor of Asia Diabetes Foundation, Founding Director of Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine, and former Chief Operating Officer of CUHK Medical Centre.

Dr Zheng Jiangang Dr Zheng Jiangang
Dr ZHENG Jiangang

Director since 23 November 2021.

Dr Zheng is a registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, who is currently the Clinical Professor of Chinese medicine at Hong Kong Baptist University.  He engages in clinical and research of integrated Chinese and Western medicine.

Prof Bian Prof Bian
Professor Bian Zhaoxiang

Director since 24 January 2024.  

Professor Bian is the Hospital Chief Executive of the Chinese Medicine Hospital.