The Chinese medicine (CM) service of the CMH is broadly classified into the following six specialised CM services:

  • Internal Medicine in CM
  • External Medicine in CM
  • Gynaecology in CM
  • Paediatrics in CM
  • Orthopaedics and Traumatology in CM
  • Acupuncture and Moxibustion in CM

Along the above classification, a total of 23 special disease programmes are proposed for the CMH as follows:

Specialised CM Services Specialised CM Services

The selection of the above programmes are based on:

  • clinical needs of the local community;
  • distinct advantages and strengths of CM; and
  • availability of relevant expertise in special diseases and/or training plans.

Further discussion with CM professionals, CM trade and other stakeholders on development and implementation of the programmes will be held at future Open Forums.